Friday, September 3, 2010

In this mentality

In this mentality,the Government put money,what would? cut interest rates,the money released has caused the rise in asset do you understand this? This is not yesterday's back? We are not able to return to the era of Alan Greenspan? asset prices rise in the real economy following the lead? then we return to to the good old days,I think this possibility is very small.Why? the christian louboutin past,the flow of our framework for the world economy,money from the central bank released,the bottom is the interaction between China and the United States,China is a low cost,the peasants into the factory get little pay,building products,sold to the Americans.Americans because of the relationship between monetary policy,price rise,he bought something,the money left to China,to lend them.China production,U.S.consumption,which money is borrowed come.this core,there are many factors,first you must suppress inflation,it is christian louboutin shoes very important concept that the United States over the past 20 years,the price becomes a Chinese prices,U.S.factories moved to China,this is a process the original cost of labor from the United States decided to price,20 years later,the factory has already moved to China after the price drop of the process is over,now China is the world price.But China the prices are up,the past,China prices ,the world economy is not feel,because U.S.prices are high,you fall into the China price,price rise no big impact on prices in China have become today,price is rising,so this is an inflation nature.on the money supply,there will be restrictions.In addition,the money in the United States to be delivered to the consumer,through real estate.U.S.real estate can not be reversed as the means by the government of China,China's developers actually Government,real estate developers are working for the government,the land is in the hands of the government,is government-controlled banks,the impact of government on real estate is very large.The United States does not,the United States is privately owned land The United States is beyond the control of house built.the course of the past,in the process of christian louboutin sale rising prices caused a lot of real estate supply increases,the supply of up to the second house,vacation house that is absorbed,the market has been There are so many houses,Suo Yi has a price reduction.This is China's view of real estate,and elsewhere on the property's view is different.the majority of Chinese people that land is a limited resource,why the Chinese people are so to occupy the land? he feels the land is limited,long-term price increases will be.

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