Sunday, February 13, 2011

Alone or the and relatives receive others wealth and properties together

The court takes up to think, the accused person thanks the convenience that the light Xiang makes use of a job and seeks a benefits for others, alone or the and relatives receive others wealth and properties together, its behavior composing takes bribe offense.Thank light Xiang to have a main function in the middle of committing crime together, fasten principal offender.The case investigates an organization to recover all Zang styles after delivering.Xie Guang Xiang at double rules stage, such as actually gave an account all crime facts, include parts of facts that haven,t been controled at that time among them, cop-out attitude good, can from light punishment.
On these grounds, long Intermediate People is Court in sand City thank light the Xiang case make a judgment definitely, thank light the Xiang make to take bribe offense and penalize imprisonment for a specific term for 14 years and deprive political right 3 years, and place the confiscation property is 500,000 dollars, make track for to pay illegal income, give confiscate to pay a national treasury.

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