This is the first command of three, wearing a black male chicken suit, do not take the lead in sets, the other two deputies, a man and a woman, a pair of lovers, male is Chanel Shoes the Olympic biathlon athletes biathlon, woman has been trained fighting murder, attempted rape had ever killed himself person. allegedly hearing one another, once dead, it will be suicide attacks in fact this sentence of no use, I started to want to use it with. this difficulty in fact related not, but who is too tired to find the map marked only the location of the chieftains, the two deputies on the map is hidden. bring a pistol and Tory Burch Shoes sniper rifle of course, have to upgrade Rights. If YY was enjoyable you want more, you can follow the instructions according to people carrying suitcases.
too much trouble, you can not control him, ran directly to the left of the courtyard the map just opposite the bar where the chieftains, there are two ;!the piano really do not know what it means to hit, did not obvious. The yard has two entrances in one of the entrance next to the east entrance, there are fences and the like, you can jump after approaching 47 , then all the way through the hole, 47 will display all his motor skills. approached the hinge, there will be action prompted by a bomb. that female deputies to live a very long back here, first go to kill time while the other Male deputies. really find a man I so much suffering. his rock bar this bar [Note 1]. is get in the front door. Take that around Jimmy Choo into the alley, trash next to a bar waiter in the pumping smoke, do not always go away, no way, taking advantage of people not looking to knock the thrown into the trash, may wish to change the clothes.
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